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Limbo Now Available for Download on PlayStation Network

Award Winning Puzzle-Platformer Now Available for Download on PlayStation®3 System.

COPENHAGEN - July 19, 2011 Independent game development studio Playdead today announced that its black & white puzzle-platforming adventure, LIMBO, is now available for download on the PlayStation®Network in North America for $14.99. The title will also be available for download on the PlayStation Network in Europe and Asia starting tomorrow, July 20, and in Japan on August 4. As a one-year birthday bonus, Sony is giving PlayStation®Plus subscribers the chance to grab a copy of the game at a 20% discount for the next two weeks. Visit the PlayStation Store today and start your trip into the shadowy depths of LIMBO!LIMBO tasks players with navigating dark forests, trap-filled buildings, and stormy cities brought to life with stunning hand-drawn visuals. They must be quick, clever, and fearless if they want to survive their journey and unravel the mysteries at LIMBO’s sinister heart.

For more information about the game, including details about the upcoming August 2 launch of LIMBO on Steam for PC, visit the official website at:

To download the LIMBO demo, visit the PlayStation®Store today on your PlayStation®3 System.

To grab a copy of the LIMBO soundtrack on iTunes, visit:

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Posted by: Redeema
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